Hands-on Product Management Guidance & Steering services provided by NPiPE
Many smaller and mid-sized product companies have an ad-hoc rather than a continuous need to define, develop, launch and maintain new products. With an infrequent need, or if the nature of each new product differs a lot, it may not make sense to build in-house capability and competence to manage new product development specifically.
We can partner up with you to guide you through steering and execution of a specific New Product Development & Launch to cover full product lifecycle according to our Product Excellence Framework. Our services will be customized to your specific company needs and product scope.

Hands-on Product Management Guidance & Steering services

Set the direction for the new product together with your team
Clarify value proposition of new product over full lifecycle, must-haves and nice-to-haves, business case & key targets, key risks to manage and overall timing for execution
Initiate & Plan
Identify key stakeholders to involve in governance of the execution and launch, secure relevant and realistic planning, right people to coordinate and do the work, budget, establish lean format to track progress
Identify key enablers for efficient execution
e.g. Organizational accountability, Mindset to manage change, Data availability and digital tools for efficient execution and relevant tracking of progress
Development & Launch of new product
Perform steering and execution of product delivery according to plan
Product management after launch
Clarify product lifecycle management to secure product value over time, and summarize learnings to capture improvement opportunities for the future

NPiPE partners with product companies to achieve top Product Excellence Capability